"Ampere is an American hardcore band based in Amherst, Massachusetts known for their short (10-15 minutes) but extremely loud and intense live shows. The band has put the importance of DIY hardcore punk ethics at the forefront of their lyrics and are renowned for the particular attention they bring to their vegan principles.
The members of the bands have been involved in the DIY hardcore scene for a number of years with the most notable being guitarist Will Killingsworth , who played guitar in Orchid, Laceration and Bucket Full of Teeth and who continues to run his Clean Plate record label and Dead Air recording studio where the band records all of their music. Drummer Andy Skelly played drums in both The Last 40 Seconds and Wolves, Stephen’s previous bands were montcalm and The Last 40 Seconds; he currently also plays guitar in Aerosols and briefly ran Distort, an independent record store in Northampton, Massachusetts (May ‘06 - December ‘06). Meghan played bass in Stop the Clock and Unicoroner and sang in relics."-from last.fm
"(1) Since forming in 2001, Sinaloa has been constantly writing songs and touring, while continuing to work their day jobs. Over these years Sinaloa has released three full-length records: Fathers and Sons (2003 - Word Salad/Chernobyl), Footprints on Floorboards (2005 - Waking/Owsla), and Oceans of Islands (2008 - Level Plane/purepainsugar), they also recorded and self-released an acoustic version of Oceans of Islands on tape titled Chapel & Basement (2009)."-also from last.fm i'm high and can't even think of a half assed description. this is good listen to it.
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